School to school support

Headteacher support


Anna Cain

Anna is the Principal of the Boxing Academy, an award-winning school that started out as a charity-run Independent School and is now an AP Free School, and the only government funded boxing-based school in this country. The Academy has been based in Hackney since 2010 and its ground-breaking work with pupils in danger of exclusion has received national awards including the Tes Alternative Provision School of the Year 2017. Anna has supported a number of schools outside London and within the secure estate with school improvement and self-assessment.

Anna’s areas of expertise include:

  • Culture and ethos

  • Leadership

  • Strategic planning

  • Charitable fundraising

  • Alternative provision.


Jo Riley

Jo is the Headteacher at Randal Cremer Primary School, she has an Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching issued through Human Technics and has coached and mentored a range of leaders in different settings. Jo is part of the Primary Pilot Group for Future Leaders (now Ambition School Leaders) and in 2013 was a peer mentor for senior leaders taking part in the programme. 

Jo has also worked extensively with her own school, developing a bespoke coaching course for her own leaders that focuses on both their leadership coaching and their development of teachers through incremental coaching. 

With a background in inclusion and SEND, Jo can also review current provision and make suggestions as to how to deploy staff effectively whilst developing quality first teaching.

Jo’s areas of expertise include:

  • Introduction to coaching short course

  • Coaching of new and experienced leaders

  • Improvement of teaching and learning through quality incremental coaching

  • Mentoring for new leaders

  • CPD for staff around safeguarding, well-being, teaching and learning


Jane Betsworth

Jane has worked in Hackney as a teacher for almost 30 years, and since 2009, has taken the position of Headteacher of Millfields Community School.

Jane has worked as an Executive Headteacher in 2 Hackney schools; currently supporting the leadership at Harrington Hill School. She has also done some work as an Associate Ofsted Inspector and is currently a SIP for the local authority. Jane also sit on the Executive Board of the HTSA (Hackney Teaching School Alliance) and works closely with the associated group of schools. Jane is an active member of the REU (re-engagement Unit) Steering Group and also represent primary Heads on local authority Reducing Exclusions Board.

Jane is currently a Community Governor at Morningside Primary School in Hackney and also at West Green School in Haringey, and a Community Governor at Harrington Hill Primary School in Hackney.

Jane’s areas of expertise include:

  • Inclusion and SEND provision

  • Behaviour

  • Ethos and culture

  • Governance

  • Developing wellbeing for staff and pupils

  • Creative Wider Curriculum

Ben Hasan

Ben Hasan is a Headteacher of Wentworth Nursery School and Children's Centre. In the last two schools where he has been Headteacher, he and his team have achieved three outstanding judgements by Ofsted (most recent November 2017).  Ben has worked with a number of schools in developing their early years practice within many London boroughs, including Brent, Hackney and Tower Hamlets. He has also delivered workshops on risk-taking, effective interactions and creativity in the early years for the Institute of Education and the University of East London. He has also written articles on effective early years practice for Nursery World, Early Education and the National Education Union. 

Ben’s areas of expertise include:

  • Developing effective learning environments for young children 

  • Developing risking taking within the early years

  • Developing an effective curriculum in the early years

  • Ensuring challenge, motivation and progress for children in the early years

  • Learning outside