These subject forums are a partnership between the HTSA and Hackney Education.
They utilise the specialist knowledge of HTSA experts and leaders and are an opportunity for subject leaders to stay informed and share best practice.
They are FREE for HTSA members!
If you would like to book a place please contact the us at and we can share a code with you to get your free place.
Booking Link: » Hackney Education - Booking Site (
COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)
Free for schools who have bought into the package.
Calling all primary science leads! Join our supportive network and gain access to professional development, practical ideas and resources. We are running 3 forums across the year, led by Kate Roberts and Ece Ergen.
These online sessions are to update science subject leaders with current developments in the teaching and learning of primary science.
Looking at the difference between substantive and disciplinary knowledge in science and how to explicitly teach the 'working scientifically' skills
Supporting SEND pupils (and we can explore PPG pupils here too)
Tracking and assessing progress in science
Who should attend?
School subject leaders and coordinators
A bit about the facilitators
Kate is the Director of Hackney Teaching and School’s Alliance and has worked as a Primary Science Consultant and Science Specialist Leader of Education. She is passionate about science education and widening participation in science subjects.
Target audience:
Included in package:
£108.00 (incl. VAT)